
Hello and welcome to my first blog post! If you’re reading this, then you’re witnessing the beginning of my journey as I document my projects and share my experiences as a developer. I’ve created this space to provide an insight into my world of coding, specifically with Node.js (particularly Next.js), DevOps, and automation with Raspberry Pi.

Why This Blog?

In the world of development and technology, continuous learning is key. Throughout my journey, I’ve realized that documenting my work not only helps me consolidate my learning, but also provides an opportunity for others to learn from my experiences. This blog will serve as a platform for me to share my adventures in development, my victories, my challenges, and the lessons I learn along the way.

What Can You Expect?

My main interest lies in Node.js, more specifically Next.js. If you’re unfamiliar, Next.js is a powerful framework for building server-side rendered React applications. I’ll be sharing my experiences, the hurdles I face, and the solutions I find to overcome them. In addition, I’m passionate about DevOps. My posts will often revolve around my adventures in setting up my homelab, discussing the tools and practices that are helping me improve my skills in this area.

Furthermore, I have a soft spot for Raspberry Pi and automation. I find it amazing how such a small piece of hardware can be used to create powerful and automated solutions. I’ll be sharing my projects, ranging from home automation to other creative uses of Raspberry Pi.

The Journey Ahead

This journey won’t just be about sharing my work, but also about consistency and commitment. I plan to update this blog bi-weekly, providing fresh insights and sparking discussions about the latest trends and my personal experiences in the world of development.

I invite you to join me on this journey, to learn with me, grow with me, and contribute your own experiences and knowledge to this community. Let’s navigate this exciting world of technology together!